Monday, 24 January 2011


Got this jigsaw for Crimbo.  It took about 2 full day's of power jigsawing over the Christmas break to finish it! It's double sided but the other side looks really hard so it might have to wait.


Went on a local walk with Will, Karen & Bobby.  Called at the fairly recently re-furbished Boat House opposite the newly revamped Roberts Park.   Then went up to Shipley Glen passed the (unfortunately) still closed Glen Tram Way to the Old Glen House and on to the The Glen.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Christmas Traditions - Part 2

Part 2 - Never ice the Christmas Cake until at least the day after Boxing Day!
  Somehow I never get around to icing our Christmas Cake until well after Christmas Day. So this has now become something of a tradition, along with decorating it with 20 year old flotsam of various scales.

Monday, 3 January 2011


Just after 9 o'clock this evening an earthquake hit the North of England. Karen felt it sat on our sofa in Bingley - though I was only sat about 5 feet from her and I never felt a thing. But it has been felt up and down our street. Apparently it was 3.6 on the Richter scale and the epicenter was some where near Harrogate. (As reported on bbc, itv and sky).

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Boxing Day

Cissie Braithwaite and Ada Shufflebottom or Jayne & Fiona - Les Dawson eat you heart out!
 The Marshalls

Christmas Traditions 2010

Christmas Pudding made in time-honoured  tradition by Stuart's dad. 
Christmas tree - located in time-honooured tradition by trailing round all the various different places and then going to Acorn Garden Supplies just down the road!