Monday, 30 May 2011

Bank Holiday

Today we've had the day off for the Bank Holiday. The weather has been a bit grim here at the mo so we headed off to the Dales (where there was less rain). Here's some pics.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Hugh's Ginger Beer Part 2

This has beenbrewing since Sunday.  If making this you need to keep releasing the pressure.  This should be ready by now so we've strained this off.  Will be putting it in the fridge and tasting tomorrow.


For the past few months (?) we (well Stu) has been working on our latest project. Building a storage space at the back. So far Stu's dug out loads of soil. Ken's built walls and Stu & me have laid a concrete pad ready for building a storage shed.

 As with all projects they have to be signed and dated...

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Fiona's Bike ride

Stu's sister Fiona and a few of her friends have completed a cycle ride from Leeds to Liverpool along the canal in aid of MacMillan Cancer Care.  Please follow the following link to donate Thank you.

Hugh's Ginger Beer Part 1

Decided to have a go at making our own Gingerbeer.  I remembered I'd seen Hugh Fearnley-Wittingstall do one so googled it and as it's so easy I thought I'd give it a go. Here's the link
It only takes about 48hrs to brew.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Veggies & pots!

The veg plot is coming along fine

Planted upo some pots for the patio

Greenhouse - set for toms, peppers & aubergines

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Busy weekend!

Came home Thursday after work to find our wall out the back had fallen in and we had a burst water pipe.  Just what you to start your Bank Holiday weekend.

Spent Friday sorting this out and shoring up the banking.  It meant we could escape the Royal Wedding though.  Mum's in the evening for a lovely BBQ.

Stu went to watch Leeds with Will, Ken & Chris.  And me and Karen went to Skipton and then home for homemade onion Bhajis & curry.

Sunday - so far
I spent the day making Will a Birthday cake (Lemon & coconut layered) it's gone a bit side-ways but I'm sure it will taste OK. Stu's spent more time sorting out our landslip/plumbing issues.  With a bit of luck we'll have water tonight.

BBQ for Will's Birthday this evening - so more pictures later.